Saturday 27 April 2013

1. Name : Bill Gates

  Country : American
  Assets :   66 billion
  Industry :  Software
  Company : Microsoft

  2Name : Larry Ellison
  Country : American
  Assets :   41 billion
  Industry :  Software
  Company : Oracle Corporation

 3. Name : Jeff Bezos
  Country : Mexico
  Assets :   23.2 billion
  Industry :  e-commerce
  Company :

   4 .  Name : Larry Page
  Country : American
  Assets :    23.0 billion
  Company: Co-founder and CEO of Google Inc.

 5. Name : Sergey Brin

  Country : American
  Assets :    22.8 billion    
  Company : Co-founder of Google

 6. Name : Steve Ballmer
  Country : American
  Assets :   15.2 billion
  Industry :  Software
  Company :CEO of Microsoft

    7. Name : Paul Allen
  Country : American
  Assets :   15.0 billion
  Industry :  Software
  Company : Co-founder of Microsoft
  Chairman of Vulcan Inc., Investor

8.  Name : Michael Dell

  Country : American
  Assets :   15.3 billion
  Industry :  Computers
  Company : Chairman and CEO of Dell

9. Name : Nasser Al-Kharafi
  Country : Kuwait
  Assets : $8.2 Billion
  Industry :  Mobile Telecommunications
  Company : M.A.Kharafi & Sons

Name : Muhamad Ahmed Al-Juffali ( The Al-Juffali Family)
 Country : United Arab Emirates (UAE)
 Assets : $6.2 Billion
 Industry :  Telecomunication and Information Technologies
 Company : Al-Juffali Group


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